Outreach. Advocacy. Networking.

What We Do

We’re Friends on a Mission:
During these times of rapid change and growth, the role of local libraries in supporting educational and community needs is more important than ever. Our mission is to support the work of local libraries.

It’s all about support:

Friendship is all about sharing, giving and support. Across the State of Delaware, more than 30 Friends of Library groups support their local libraries, with members contributing their time as volunteers, advocates, fund raisers, activity organizers, outreach leaders and much more. They do it all to enhance their libraries and to bring library resources to the local community.

But, friends need support too. And, that’s the role of the Friends of Delaware Libraries. We are an organization that works to create connections between Friends groups throughout the state, and to develop ways to realize the collective strength of our Friends of Library organizations. We advocate on both the state and national level on issues related to our libraries.

Download our FODL Brochure PDF.